
Make image background transparent with CSS

If you have a opaque image and it doesn't align with the background of your webpage, you can make the background transparent with CSS < style > .bg-blend{ background: url(""); background-color: #f0f5f9; background-blend-mode: multiply; height: 128px; width: 220px; } </ style > < body > < div class =" bg-blend "></ div > </ body >

How to encrypt plaintext passwords in JBoss

By default, database connections for the JBoss A8 are defined in *-ds.xml, and include clear text passwords. You can, however, replace it with encrypted passwords. There is no need to change your source code. The class can be used to both encrypt database passwords and to provide a decrypted version of the password when the data source configuration is required by the server. Step 1: Encrypt a datasource password Open cmd.exe, change directory to the JBoss directory and execute the following command: java -cp client\jboss-logging.jar;lib\jbosssx.jar MyPLaintextPASSWDRD This command will return an encrypted password like this: Encoded password: ia744dc3700000125ff73cfb98e94f3e3 Step 2: Create an application authentication policy with the encrypted password Open conf/login-config.xm1 file, add a new <app1ication-policy> element to the <policy> element, put the encode...

Parse Json with dynamic key with JQuery

<script  src=""  integrity="sha256-cCueBR6CsyA4/9szpPfrX3s49M9vUU5BgtiJj06wt/s="  crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <script> var json ={ "result": { "101010":["PRAVAT","SGSGSG","UKEMP5","UKENTD","WAUK01","MK87UK"], "202020":["CORA1E","PSASAS","EDCRJS","USHC01","USDR06"], "304050":["ERCDE2","DELT01","DECGKG","DEHC03","IS02","DEPI01"] }, "status":"SUCCESS" }; var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(JSON.stringify(json)); if (obj.status.toLowerCase() === "success") { for (var key in obj.result) { console.log("key >> "+key); if (obj.result.hasOwnProperty(key)) {   console.log(key ...

List of all countries in JSON

[ { "name" : "Afghanistan" , "code" : "AF" }, { "name" : "land Islands" , "code" : "AX" }, { "name" : "Albania" , "code" : "AL" }, { "name" : "Algeria" , "code" : "DZ" }, { "name" : "American Samoa" , "code" : "AS" }, { "name" : "AndorrA" , "code" : "AD" }, { "name" : "Angola" , "code" : "AO" }, { "name" : "Anguilla" , "code" : "AI" }, { "name" : "Antarctica" , "code" : "AQ" }, { "name" : "Antigua and Barbuda" , "code" : "AG" }, { "name" : "Argentina" , "code" : "AR" }, { "name" : ...

Singleton Design Pattern for Utility Clases

public class DateUtility {   private static DateUtility instance;         public static DateUtility getInstance() {    synchronized (DateUtility.class) {      if (instance == null) {        instance = new DateUtility();      } } return instance; }  public String convertDateToString(Date date) { ....................................... } } Usage : DateUtility.getInstance().convertDateToString();

Add PMD rules into your project

pom.xml <properties>              <pmd.failOnViolation>true</pmd.failOnViolation> </properties> <plugin>             <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>             <artifactId>maven-pmd-plugin</artifactId>             <version>3.1</version>             <executions>               <execution>                 <id>pmd</id>                 <phase>verify</phase>               ...

Convert XSD element choice with "maxOccurs=unbounded" into individual list of objects

Problem defined here: Plugins used: XSD Sample <xs:schema xmlns:tns="" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="" xmlns:xs="">   <xs:element  name="transaction">     <xs:complexType>       <xs:sequence>         <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">           <xs:element  name="TransactionDetails">             <xs:complexType>               <xs:sequence>        ...